I recorded a few minutes of my adorable finches splashing in their little pool, and when I brought the video into my toys, I found the audio to be a microsamplers dream. There’s even a mournful cat at the end that has no end of texture. The birds beating their wings in the bathtub have a rhythm all their own.
Challenge – make a microsampled remix of the mp3 (I’ll provide the wav file if you request it). I’ve been playing with the sounds in simpler for an hour, and it’s crazy fun. It does have a hum that I couldn’t completely eradicate, but you’re welcome to improve upon it.
Download: FinchBath.mp3
And here’s the video (as seen at lilyisafatfinch.com):
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIJhckdhMF4[/embedyt]